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With the newest renovation of the River Valley Metro Centre in Downtown Kankakee, travel is made even easier for local commuters.
Kankakee Metro Centre, located on Chestnut between Schuyler and Dearborn, the new facility incorporates design elements from the Downtown Kankakee streetscape plan. The Centre was built with comfort and safety of commuters in mind and will serve the citizens of Kankakee County for decades to come.
With the new Metro Centre in Downtown Kankakee comes the same trusted routes. These routes include: traditional / fixed routes, Midway or Metra routes, and paratransit services.
River Valley Metro also offers free local rides every Monday! Rides on all 11 local routes serving over 300 bus stops and the Metro Plus Paratransit service are free every Monday. Normal fares apply for Midway Airport Commuter Shuttle.
A full schedule of all routes and a trip planner can be found on the River Valley Metro website.
You can also follow along on the River Valley Matro Facebook for daily updates.
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To Do This Fall In Downtown Kankakee
Summer may be coming to a close, but never fear, there is no shortage of things to do this Fall in Downtown Kankakee!
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Halloween Downtown, an annual event hosted by the Rotary Club of Kankakee, comes back to Downtown Kankakee Sunday, October 16th from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The event will take place on the 200 block of South Schuyler Avenue, including the Farmer’s Market parking lot and in Festival Square at the Train Depot. Get the entire family dressed in their spookiest and join us for themed music, entertainment, food vendors and a trunk or treat event in the afternoon.
Games and activities will be located in the Farmer’s Market parking lot. Entertainment at the Gazebo. Vendors and special attractions on the 200 block of S. Schuyler. Trunk-or-Treat around the train depot fountain.
Other ways you can take part in Halloween Downtown: Sponsorships, Host a Themed Acitivity, Host a Trunk or Treat, Become a Vendor.
Learn more about the event by visiting their website, Facebook, or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
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