love, peace, and good vibes

Did you attend MSMF24?! 

The event is spearheaded by the Kankakee Public Library, and director Allison Beasley reported a total attendance of 8,033 people between the two-day festival.

The total amount of wristbands sold was 6,283, meaning the remaining 1,750 were given to sponsors and volunteers.

Beasley said the bulk of attendance was Saturday, with 5,000 people at the festival.

“This was one of our best Saturdays in the past few years,” she said. “We had our highest attendance at the Hill Stage ever on Saturday night.”

- The Daily Journal, Read More

Check out photos from Merchant Street MusicFest 2023, courtesy of Pathfinder. Videos from the event can be found on the MSMF Facebook page.

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